Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day(s) before raya...

Salam to all, I wish everyone in good health and be blessed with the great ramadhan.. Pejam celik pejam celik, hampir sebulan ramadhan berlalu dan syawal menjelang tiba.. How's your raya preparation?? Hehe I hope everything sudah settle by this tym.. baju raya siap, kuih muih, minuman, kasut etc semua dh ready?? And yg paling penting, siap sudah bepanyap rumah?? Must be fun and meriah bila raya menjelang.. kunjung mengunjung ke rumah sanak saudara and then, saudara plg yg datang ke rumah.. makan2.. open house!! Wahhhh, I miss those times.. But at the same time, dalam tani menyambut raya, jgn jua luan overdose!! belanja sakan krg jadi ke hutang.. biarlah bersederhana dan yang penting sesuai dgn tani punya keupayaan.. :)

Berbalik kepada saya.. tahun ini merupakan kali yang ke 5 saya menyambut hari raya aidilfitri di Brisbane.. yes!! 5.. sudah semestinya saya merindui pengalaman beraya di Brunei disamping keluarga saya, tpi namun belum th rezeki namanya kn balik Brunei untuk beraya.. mayb some other years atu pun mun panjang umur.. amin2.. Its oklah, makan biskut raya pun jadilah.. and baik jua byk geng2 disini... I'm not alone!! 

Mungkinkah esok hari raya?!! Ramalan byk plg mengatakan esok hari raya.. tpi liatlah krg mun anak bulan dpat kana teropong.. Aku pun mana saja plg kalau raya kh nda kah.. yg pentingnya esok pagi perlu pergi ke hospital jua... bukannya ada public holiday pun disini.. mcmth dorg ani tau kn raya jua.. Malam baruth kami beraya.. ada potluck raya arah rumah Ayun & the seniors.. Yea, at least ada raya function and insya allah, meriah tu.. ada juadah raya.. will post pictures nanti.. hehe... 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Cinderella's sister

Have you watched this korean drama called 'Cinderella's sister'?? I am in the process of watching this sad korean drama.. The drama consists of 20 episodes and I've watched 10 episodes so far.. Gosh, The story line is very sad and full of emotions!! I hope this drama is not based on true story, and if it does, wow.. i can only say sorry to the family.. Very complicated story line and full of despair.. I can relate this drama to what I've seen during my mental health rotation.. and seriously, I think they should be seen by psychiatrist or psychologists.. I've not shed any tears yet when watching this drama, but if I am to watch this movie alone and full of concentration, I might.. :) 

Let me share with you the synopsis of the drama:
"She has neither aspiration nor emotion and her smile is sarcastic. Eun jo is a girl who has apathy toward life. Her mother, who has been living as a single mother for 18 years, finally found the right person to marry and brought Eun jo into the stepfather's house.
A decent house and a decent family... Eun jo feels that everything in this house does not fit for her. The most unbearable thing she faces is the stepsister Hyo - sun, who is the apple of her father's eyes and beloved by everyone in the house"

It is atypical story of Cinderella.. maybe korean version of cinderella.. I could not predict the story line so far, mayb i'm just numb with the story hehe.. The hero for this drama is cute and good looking.. His smile is just so adorable and could easily melt my heart, but definitely not Eun-jo!! She's just so emotionless and too ego to express her emotions and love towards others.. But I can understand that it is possible to act that way if you've never been exposed to warmth and love from others.. What a pity.. On the other hand, Hyo-sun is too tearful!! I would like to give her an award for her act.. She loves to cry and in one episode, you can see that she cried a couple of times.. which is annoying but I envy her for being able to act it work easily..

Okies.. more updates later.. once I'm done watching the drama.. Let's hope the story gets better towards the end.. lastly, enjoy the song "It has to be you" (OST for Cinderella's sister).. Love this song and I've played it repeatedly since last night hehe..

Happy Friday peeps!! May Allah bless you always.. ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September :)

Salam peeps, I just cant believe its september already!!! I am really excited to think that I have less than 3 months to go home again.. LOL.. ah, org brunei th jua banar.. asal cikit kn balik brunei hehe.. I am doing psychogeratics this week and last monday, I went with my consultant and reg for a home visit. And my dr was asking the patient about what was the best thing about being able to go home, and the patient replied "being surrounded by my loved ones".. That is exactly true!! Wat could be a better place then to be with your beloved family.. yes, I may be family - oriented person, but to me, my family is my everything - to share with all happiness and sadness, someone to trust and love... kasih sayang yg tidak berbelah bahagi lah katakan..

I had a very long day today.. gila, 8 hours of lectures about people's 'feelings'.. Seriously, it's too much to take.. I dont like long lectures, it makes me fall asleep and my concentration will definitely drop to 0%!! I was in pain during the last lecture where the lecturer was talking about adolescent psychiatry.. It was a good lecture i think, but I was totally drained and exhausted and thus, I could hardly remember what his lecture was about LOL. Luckily, we have no more workshops for this rotation :) which means that I wont be able to meet J and N till the final day of our exams.. Hehe sampat lagi tu.. ;)

7 more days to eid!! I should be happy, but since I dont have anything to look forward to, I dont have any feelings for raya.. Well, mayb I should be happy for successfully completed my ramadhan this year.. Alhamdulilah, Allah has given me the strength to carry out my fasting with ease and comfort, although there were some challenges at times..

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Half way to eid...

Salam to all peeps,

Firstly, I would like to apologize for not updating my blog for such a long time. Yes, I have abandoned it for a while due to some unavoidable excuses.. (malas, nda mood, nda idea sama nda cukup masa) Anyway, how's everyone doing? I wish u all well and be blessed always.. I am doing fine as usual.. I have to admit this week has been a bit crazy and hectic, but nevertheless I enjoyed my week!!

Time oh time.. it keeps on ticking and there's no way we can stop it no matter how tempted we want it to pause for a while or at least tick slower.. which is a bit scary eh.. It felt just like yesterday I started my fourth rotation, but in fact I've done 4 weeks of mental health rotation and left with another 4 weeks!! So far so good... Other than transport as an issue for this rotation, mental health rotation has been going well for me. I enjoyed working at the hospital, the staffs are treating me well and so far, I had no problems engaging with my patients.. people have asked me about how I think of my rotation i.e psychiatry?? well, to be honest, psychiatry is not my cuppa, although I do think it is interesting and unique aspect of medicine involving the mind and brain.. r I believed most of us has this stigma in our head when talking about people with mental illness.. mental illness = crazy people (aka org gila) which is WRONG!!! yes, there are abnormal people but not all people with mental illness are mad people.. sometimes, they are just depressed or they may be anxious or at least some of them are psychos!! It takes a lot of patience and courage to manage patients with mental illness, and although I can be soft hearted at times, I dont think I'll be able to cope with these patients on a long run.. 

We've just passed the mid of ramadhan this week.. we are halfway there to say good bye to ramadhan.. How sad.. I remembered when I was young, I always wanted ramadhan to go by quickly as possible.. Biasalah, masa kanak2 kn malas kn puasa and raya is more appealing in the sense that we dont have to starve and duit kocek pun penuh dgn envelope hijau!! Wah, siuk plg masa raya kanak2 atu.. I remembered that this one raya I managed to collect $300+ during raya!! But now, things change.. As I get older, I appreciate ramadhan more.. I looked forward every year for ramadhan to come :) I do believe ramadhan has its own blessings and I feel peace at most times.. yes, it's challenging sometimes especially when my days are busy and I am starving in hunger.. But alhamdulilah, Allah has given me the strength to fulfill my obligations as a muslim...

Lastly, before I leave.. I'd like to share a phrase with u guys..

"Nama saya SYA'BAN, saya ingin mengingatkan bahawa jiran saya RAMADHAN baru saja mengunjungi awda sekarang bersama dengan isterinya iaitu REZEKI dan dua anaknya SAHUR dan SUNGKAI dan cucunya RAHMAT, BERKAT danKEAMPUNAN. Mereka akan pulang pada 30hb melalui pesawat AIDILFITRI. Justeru itu, hargailah mereka kerana awda akan mendapat PAHALA yang berlipat ganda..."


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Selamat Menunaikan Ibadat Ramadhan

Salam to all, alhamdulilah, ramadhan has come again!! Yay, so starting tomorrow our mission is to fast during the day for a month time.. Insya Allah, we will manage to do this.. Aza Aza!! let us strive for the best during this month as this is one of the holy month of the year and it only comes once in a year.. Who knows, this could be our last chance to practice our 3rd rukun Islam.. And let us perform more ibadat this month and Insya Allah, Allah will grant his blessings to us and May we benefit from the holy Ramadhan.. :) Ramadhan Al Kareem to all muslims!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Wet all wet~~~

Salam to all, today is really a wet day!! The rain started pouring from morning till now.. I always thought of rain as blessings from Allah, I am not sure where I got the idea from but somehow, I am actually happy whenever it rains. Although, strictly speaking, I am in a disaster whenever it rained. I am not good in using umbrellas and more importantly, I seldom have the umbrella in hand with me at all times. This is exactly what happened to me today. I was totally soaked!! Poor me... Just wish I will not catch any flu after this.. And yes lesson of the day: Always take your umbrella with you at all times especially when the weather forecast tells you that it is going to rain!! lesson learnt well and I have put my umbrella inside my bag for tomorrow.. :)